How many of these are already in your pantry??

Why I’m sharing my essential spice list

A few weeks ago I shared a little impromptu video on Instagram calling for help because someone removed one spice jar from my alphabetically organised wall of spices, I couldn’t figure out what it was and it was driving me crazy. Other than the answer (share your answer in the comments below!!) the other takeaway was that people were curious what are the spices I use the most? So here I am today with my 12-most-used-spices list that are used in over 800 recipes on this website!

12 clear winners

Just before I get to The RecipeTin Spice List, I just want to note that I have an unusually broad range of herbs and spices in my pantry. I feel given what I do, it’s justified – or at least, that’s what I tell myself! But there’s a clear list of 12 herbs and spices that make an appearance over and over again in my recipes. So while I’ve always had a view that people should build their spice collection naturally based on recipes they choose to make rather than take a list from someone who hoards Vegemite Shapes like they’re going to be discontinued (her heart thuds in fear at the thought), I thought you might find my essential Spice List handy if you’re a bit of a regular user of my recipes. But just to reiterate – I think you’re going to be sorely disappointed with how pedestrian this list is. Nothing trendy or cool or gourmet here. 😂

What I use them for

Onion and garlic powder – essentials for sticky BBQ sauce! Like onion powder, garlic powder tastes quite different to fresh garlic, with a smoother more earthy flavour. You will see it in pretty much all my Mexican recipes as well as Southern foods like Fried Chicken and all things barbecue flavoured (pork ribs, brisket, beef ribs). Also used in the recently shared Ranch flavoured dressing in the Avocado pasta salad that you all loved so much!

Armed – and dangerous!

And there you have it. My 12 most-used spices. So curry powder is generally used in Western dishes but the key tip here is that while it’s a great base, it needs help from other spices to make the dish really tasty! I can safely say there is no recipe on this website that only uses curry powder for flavour. Use your curry powder for things like old school Chicken Curry, Curried Sausages and curried rice. Also a secret ingredient in Singapore Noodles, the background flavour for other South East Asian favourites like Ayam Goreng and Thai Coconut Noodle Soup. And, unexpectedly , French food! Cafe de Paris, a classic flavoured butter for steak! Here’s a selection of recipes using curry powder – see all of them here. Here are a some recipes using garam masala, and click here to see more! Here’s a selection of recipes using cinnamon powder, or have a browse for more here and be amazed at how many savoury dishes are on the list! You are now armed and ready to make over 800 recipes on this website that feature the above spices! You will be amazed what a difference having a well-stocked spice cupboard makes to the ease of choice when it comes to cooking with what you have. And don’t forget – drop in your guess for the Mystery of the Missing Spice! Can you resist the temptation to read other peoples’ answers before you share your own? NO WAY could I resist. It’s like being the answers to an exam sitting there right in front of you. If you possess the willpower not to look, you are a better person than me. 😂 – Nagi x

Life of Dozer


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