Dozer got in so much trouble over this Apple Cake. This is how the usual routine goes down: He’s technically not allowed into the kitchen – albeit my house is open plan so strictly speaking, it’s hard to have a clear boundary that he needs to stay out of. But when I shoo him away, he is generally pretty good about taking himself off into the yard to chase rabbits, bark at birds or whatever other important contribution he’s making to make this world a better place. But the minute whatever I’m making is ready and I take it to the area where I shoot my photos, he comes dashing inside. “Dashing” is honestly the word. He doesn’t walk or lope. He dashes at a very fast paced trot, his heavy footed paws thudding through the house making the wooden floor shake (really, he does). And that’s when he becomes a real nuisance. Because I’m concentrating on taking photos, I don’t always manage to catch him in the act of photo-bombing. Case in point: Dozer photobombed EVERY SINGLE photo of this cake being dusted with icing sugar. 🙄

THAT CHEEKY BUGGER!!! See look. Here he is AGAIN. And again. And again. GRRRRR!!!!!

So I apologise profusely to all those who find it a real turn off to see a DOG in food photos, but my bottom can’t afford for me to make this ridiculously delicious Apple Cake yet again just so I can get one single shot (I just wanted ONE!) of me dusting the Apple Cake without Dozer in the background. OK, now I’m done stomping my foot over Dozer ruining my photos, a quick word on this Apple Cake recipe: It’s crazy easy and fast to make the batter, it’s made with FRESH apples (won’t work with canned, cake is not as moist), and it really is beautifully moist. This easy Apple Cake recipe was given to me by the lovely Dorothy in Tennessee in the US. It was meant to be, because I had just shared an Apple Cake disaster on Instagram then a couple of days later, she shared this recipe with me (without having seen my epic failure!). I tried it once, twice, three times, then I decided I had to share it here because it is that good and that easy! – Nagi x

More afternoon tea favourites

Classic Scones Strawberry Cake – really easy cake recipe Cinnamon Swirl Bread – easy, no yeast! Cheese, Herb and Garlic Loaf or Zucchini Cheese Loaf– quick bread, no yeast Apple Muffins and Apple Teacake Raspberry Bars or Strawberry Bars Blueberry Lemon Loaf with Lemon Glaze or Blueberry Lemon Yoghurt Cake Savoury Cheese Muffins or Cornbread Muffins (personal fave😇) Whole Orange Cake


Well! After telling you how naughty he was while I photographed this Apple Cake, I’m not sure he deserves to be featured in his own section on this post….. But who am I kidding. I can never stay mad at him. Here he is “minding” the Apple Cake as it cooled. Just minding it. No cheeky thoughts running through that furry head, I’m sure….

Easiest Ever MOIST Apple Cake - 77Easiest Ever MOIST Apple Cake - 95Easiest Ever MOIST Apple Cake - 41Easiest Ever MOIST Apple Cake - 38Easiest Ever MOIST Apple Cake - 93Easiest Ever MOIST Apple Cake - 17