This is a great grab-and-go make-ahead breakfast. Plus, sharing a cheeky way to cook round eggs even if you don’t have egg rings! 😉

Copycat Sausage and Egg McMuffin recipe!

I have a secret list of Dirty Foods I Love. KFC Popcorn chicken is on it. Pizza Hut is on it (double pepperoni thin and crispy with anchovies!). Crispy Kreme classic glazed doughnuts. And yes, McDonald’s is on the list too. It doesn’t happen often, maybe 3 times a year. And when it does, I do the Drive-Through-of-Shame. I would never risk being seen inside McDonald’s!!! I really wish I was the kind of person who never craved junk food. I’m sure if I really put my mind to it, I could live a whole-food life. But it would be an EFFORT!!! So my compromise? Takeout copycats. Junk food made at home, a whole lot healthier. Say HI to my McDonald’s Sausage and Egg McMuffins copycat!

Sausage Patties

This copycat is all about the copycat McDonald’s sausage patties. Tasty, juicy, well seasoned breakfast patties that we love! You will be astonished how similar it tastes to the real thing. There’s not even that many spices in the seasoning – but the secret spice is sage. This is what gives these breakfast patties that extra little flavour edge that really makes it taste like the Maccers!

How to make Sausage and Egg McMuffins in your PJ’s

It’s terrifically easy – so you can manage this half asleep or even if you’re feeling sketchy after a few too many wines the night before (let’s all just admit that Maccers is excellent hangover food). Though if the thought of handling raw meat first thin in the morning is too much for you, just make the patties the ahead – they will keep for days in the fridge and months in the freezer! I do like to melt the cheese ON the pattie. This is not how Maccers does it….. but who can resist molten cheese draped over a breakfast sausage pattie? Not I! Also, my sausage patties are thicker. Because this is the beauty of homemade – we can make things just the way we want!

Don’t worry! Either just pan fry eggs and push the edges in as they cook, or cut both sides out of a tuna can then use that as an egg ring! This was a genius idea from a reader, the lovely Dorothy from Tennessee.

Great make ahead breakfast – on the go!

Sausage and Egg McMuffins are a terrific make ahead breakfast. They will last for 4 days in the fridge the just need a quick microwave to reheat. If you want to freeze them – instead of of cooking eggs sunny side up, either scramble them or make a folded omelette (of sorts). Egg whites tend to go a bit rubbery when frozen (in my opinion), but if mixed up with the yolks then cooked, they freeze fine. And in true McDonald’s form, these Sausage and Egg McMuffins are fab for food on the go. Wrap it up, shove it in a paper bag, grab a cup of coffee and scoff these down with one hand while driving. Because if I do the actual McDonald’s drive through, that is exactly how I eat it. 😉

All jokes aside though, no matter what your position on McDonald’s is – and I’ve been very honest with mine (i.e. Love / Hate) – these are really tasty. Really, really scrumptious. They’re also a terrific breakfast for large groups because it’s easy to make big batches, especially if you cook on the BBQ so you can cook loads of sausage patties at the same time. And instead of individual eggs, just make a giant batch of scrambled eggs. Happy weekend everyone!! – Nagi x

More Grab-and-Run Breakfasts!

Healthy Egg Muffins Healthy Oatmeal Breakfast Cookies – it’s like a bowl of porridge, in cookie form! No Washing Up Ham Egg Cheese Pockets No Washing Up Ham Egg Cheese Bowls Bacon and Egg Muffins

And more eggs for breakfast

Omelette Frittata – the classic done right! Shakshouka – baked eggs made exotic

Watch how to make it

Originally published May 2016, updated with brand new video, fresh new photos and a new Life of Dozer!

Life of Dozer

Just having a sniff……


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