This canned salmon recipe will make you realise you CAN make incredible dishes using canned fish!

Salmon Patties

Good quality fresh salmon is not cheap. So if I buy fresh salmon, I like to cook it whole rather than mixing it up with other ingredients for things like salmon patties. My go-to quick salmon fillet recipes are Honey Garlic Salmon and Lemon Glazed Salmon 🙂 So I’ve always used canned salmon to make salmon cakes. But one bite of these Salmon Patties, and any thought of compromising by using canned salmon instead of fresh will fly out the window. These taste SO GOOD!! Serve these up to anyone who has wrinkled their nose in distaste at the thought of canned salmon, and I bet you’ll change their mind. These salmon cakes are SO GOOD whether made with canned salmon OR fresh salmon! They’re moreish, beautifully seasoned, juicy and tender, studded with flakes of salmon, and a hint of herby freshness from dill. These are so tasty, I’d proudly serve them up as an appetiser at a gathering! (And to all my friends reading this, don’t be surprised if that happens the next time you come over!)

BAKED Salmon Patties!

These babies are so golden and crispy on the outside, it’s almost hard to believe they’re baked. But they are, they really are. The trick to the golden crust is to preheat the tray. This makes a difference when baking things that are low in fat, like  these salmon patties.

This canned salmon recipe will make you realise you CAN make incredibly delicious food using canned fish!

Making Salmon Patties

The mixture for the Salmon Patties is pretty straight forward. I start with my usual trick to make extra tender, extra tasty patties / meatballs – grating onion over breadcrumbs. This serves two purposes – Then toss in egg to bind it, parmesan for umami (food nerd word for savouriness, the 5th taste sensation), shallots / green onions / scallions (global food language inconsistencies = 🤯), garlic, dill (or other herb, dried or fresh) and canned salmon.

Give it a mix, and this is what you end up with. I know the mixture looks loose and you wonder how on earth the patties will hold together, but they do, they really do. The egg in this recipe keeps the salmon patties from falling apart while cooking. Also, because these are baked rather than pan fried, they are handled less so this also helps. I’ve never had Salmon Patties fall apart on me.

How to Serve Salmon Patties

As a meal – try a side of Yoghurt Slaw and Cauliflower Puree (low carb!), I’ve popped these recipes in the notes. You get freshness from the Yoghurt Slaw and low-carb creaminess from the Cauliflower Puree that’s made for smearing over each bite of the Salmon Patties. Starter – pile onto platters with dipping sauce and pass around to share! Burgers – make giant ones and make salmon burgers

Super tasty dinner, made from a can of salmon. Who would have though, eh?? ❤️ – Nagi x PS You can, of course, make this with fresh salmon if you happen to be blessed with an abundant supply of them. Tell me all about it, and make me green with envy.

More patties and fritters (I love them!)

Cheesy Chicken Patties with Broccoli Crispy Zucchini Fritters Rissoles!! Broccoli Fritters Bill Granger’s Corn Fritters with Avocado Salsa Greek Zucchini Tots (Mini Fritters) Thai Fish Cakes

Salmon Patties recipe


Salmon Patties originally published February 2019, updated for housekeeping matters in March 2019. No change to recipe.


In my pre-Dozer life, I was hooning around in a little 2 seater convertible. I had to give up my little zippy car not only because he grew out of it, but also because he didn’t like the wind in his eyes.🙄 So I reluctantly upsized to a 4WD. Then he grew even more – his head smooshes on the ceiling of the car, smearing it with filth. I am not getting another damn car for this damn dog. 😖

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