Bonus: the gravy gets an extra flavour boost from all the sausage and vegetable drippings. This sausage recipe is a game changer!

Sausage Bake – One Pan Meal!

I have a rule about sausages. Sausages for dinner must always be accompanied with gravy – here’s how I make it on the stove: Sausages and Gravy. So I’ve made a sausage, veggie and gravy dinner super easy by making it all in one pan. Yes, you heard me right. This Sausage Bake is all made in ONE PAN. YES those golden brown sausages and roasted vegetables are sitting on a pool of gravy that was cooked right in the oven along with them!!

  The sausages will actually be cooked through at 30 minutes or so, but they won’t be nicely browned. Browning = flavour, and sausages are meant to be browned! Because sausages are enclosed in casing, they don’t dry out with a slightly longer cook time. So keep them in the oven until they are nicely browned, as shown in the photos in this post!

How to cook Sausages in the oven with vegetables and gravy

Toss vegetables and potatoes in oil, salt, pepper and a touch of dried herbs of choice (I use thyme and oregano). Place in the pan, then top with sausages. Whisk up the gravy – it’s made using the same ingredients required in a standard gravy that’s made on the stove. Stock, flour, butter, seasoning. Except rather than cooking it on the stove, we pour it right into the pan so it bubbles away at the same time the sausages and vegetables are cooking. By the time the sausages and vegetables are done, the gravy has thickened and is beautifully browned, just like when it’s made on the stove like in this Sausages and Gravy recipe!

Quick Dinner Idea – in one pan!

This is a super tasty and quick dinner to make, but I’m not applauding myself for creating a ground breaking recipe of any kind. Because when you think about it, this Sausage Bake is pretty much made like a stew. The sauce – gravy in this case – is thickened with flour, just like when making a stew. And the vegetables and meat are cooked together in the sauce – except in this case, I deliberately put the sausages on top so they get nice and brown. ✅ Sausages ✅ Veggies ✅ Gravy ✅ One Pan Dinner tonight? – Nagi x  

More Sausage recipes

Bangers and Mash (Sausage with Onion Gravy) Curried Sausages Sausage Pasta

Sausage Bake with Vegetables and Gravy

Watch how to make it

Life of Dozer

The sight of a suitcase always distresses him. So I tried to trick him by piling up my luggage in a washing basket, planning to throw it into a suitcase at the last minute. Just so I wouldn’t have to deal with his forlorn face all night. Didn’t work. He figured it out.😞

And the original photo from when I first published this recipe which was around Christmas: Dozer sulking. He really, really hates Christmas!


Sausage Bake with Potatoes and Gravy - 29Sausage Bake with Potatoes and Gravy - 8Sausage Bake with Potatoes and Gravy - 53Sausage Bake with Potatoes and Gravy - 84Sausage Bake with Potatoes and Gravy - 81Sausage Bake with Potatoes and Gravy - 74Sausage Bake with Potatoes and Gravy - 76Sausage Bake with Potatoes and Gravy - 51Sausage Bake with Potatoes and Gravy - 80