These are like the Italian version of Breakfast Enchiladas!

The inspiration to make these came after a particularly embarrassing incident. I hate traffic and Sydney traffic is notoriously bad, especially when you live in an area where it’s one lane roads in and out. I live quite far from the city so when I have morning meetings, I like to make them early so I can beat the traffic. They are usually meetings over breakfast but I am one of those people that need to eat asap upon waking, otherwise I feel ill. So I was up before 5am, took my dog out for a quick run then in the car with a thermos of coffee and toast to munch while driving by 6am. In the city before 7, I hopped out of my car and strode towards the cafe I was meeting my friend at. As I approached, he started sniggering and said “I thought we were meeting over breakfast?” “Well yes….aren’t we at a cafe?”, I quipped in response. “So you’re having a second breakfast?” he asked, still grinning. I like to think I’m pretty good at smart ass responses, but at this, I fumbled, not wanting to admit I’d already had breakfast. Then he pointed at my shirt. I looked down, and saw my BLACK top was covered in toast crumbs. I mean COVERED. Women will understand when I say there are certain fabrics that crumbs CLING to, and I was wearing one of THOSE tops….. I still regularly eat breakfast in the car. But I created this crumb free breakfast so I’ll look presentable when I arrive at my destination. 🙂

These are a great breakfast on the run. The filling holds together well so you won’t get bits falling out as you eat it. And they are made with soft taco shells (mini tortillas), so they don’t crumble when you bite into them. I also prefer making these with small tortillas rather than full size ones because they are “hand held” size. But of course, you can make them with regular tortillas too. 🙂 They are freezable and can be reheated in the microwave, though the oven is better because then the tortilla crisps up (but still does not crumble much). And you can change up the filling to your taste. Bacon is great, as is chorizo (cook them the same way as per the recipe), salmon (smoked or canned), corn, beans or any other diced vegetables (as long as they are sautéed so they aren’t watery). The scrambled eggs in this are not a pure yellow colour of standard scrambled eggs because I like to use the flavour of the sausages (or bacon!) to fry the eggs. Flavour over appearance! So this is one for all those who eat breakfast on the run like I do. Food you can eat without ending up with crumbs all over you! – Nagi


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